How to renew SSL certificate


In this article we will explain how to renew your SSL certificate in 4 simple steps. When you renew a certificate, a new one will be issued for a period, after the old certificate expires. For example, if your certificate has 3 months remaining and you choose to extend it by 1 year it will expire in 1 year and 3 months.

How to renew

1. You should log in with your ClouDNS account and click on Renew icon (circle arrows), in the "SSL Certificates" pane, on the right side of your certificate, located on your Dashboard.

2. After you finish the order and it is processed, you can input your new CSR, by clicking "Submit CSR", located to the right of your certifcate's name. Your new CSR could be like your old one, it is a matter of personal choice.

3. You will receive a mail in the mailbox specified for your certificate and your confirmation will be required to finish the process.

4. You will receive your CRT, which is ready for use and can be installed immediately on your web server.

Last modified: 2018-08-31
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