Available DNS zone slots notification

With this script you can configure an automatically notification to your e-mail for low number of available DNS zone slots in your account. You can download it from here.


AUTH_ID should be your API user ID AUTH_PASS should be the password of your API user

In the $mail_notification_from variable you have to add the e-mail address from which will be send the message

In the $mail_notification_to variable you have to add the e-mail address to which will be send the notification message

In the $available_zones_limit variable you have to add the limit for available zone slots when you want to receive a notification

// Auth ID and Password
define('AUTH_ID', 0);
define('AUTH_PASS', 'xxx');

// settings
$mail_notification_from = 'box@from.mail';
$mail_notification_to = 'box@to.mail';
$available_zones_limit = 100;


When you are ready with your configuration, you can run the script with following command:

php available-zones-notification.php

Possible problems

If your API user ID or Password are incorrect, you will get an error message.

Cron job

You can add this script as a daily cron job on your server. Example:

0 9 * * * /usr/bin/php available-zones-notification.php >/dev/null

Last modified: 2019-02-21
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